Mentoring 101 – What Are the 3 Types of Mentoring?

Elliott Allan Hilsinger

January 5, 2023

Elliott Allan Hilsinger

Whether you are a mentor, a mentee, or a person looking to start a mentoring relationship, there are three basic types of mentoring that you can utilize. These are peer, one-on-one, and virtual.


One-on-one mentoring is an opportunity for young people to gain skills and knowledge. This program matches an experienced professional with a new mentee who needs guidance and support. Mentees can achieve their goals by working with a mentor on a specialized task. The mentoring relationship provides support and positive role models for youth.

During one-on-one mentoring, the mentee and mentor interact in a face-to-face setting. Frequent meetings, various activities, and personal relationships characterize the mentoring sessions. Both mentee and mentor reported high satisfaction with the program.

In addition to the formal mentoring session, a retreat was also held. During this session, the mentee and mentor gave presentations on their experiences. Afterward, they shared these in a mutual evaluation process.

Participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire drafted in advance by researchers. The results were used to evaluate the program. These questionnaires were compiled and presented to all participants.


Peer mentoring is a process in which a mentor provides information and guidance to a mentee. The mentee usually gets to learn something new.

Peer mentorship helps employees develop business and interpersonal skills. It also increases institutional connections and creates a positive workplace culture.

A formalized mentoring program should have specific rules and guidelines to ensure everyone benefits. These include determining the length of the program and who will be matched with whom. It would help if you also decided how to measure the program’s impact. This could be through surveys or focus groups.

The first step is to find the right teammate. Look for someone with a unique background and perspective.

If you are interested in a formalized mentoring program, make sure you have senior leadership buy-in. They will have the resources necessary to set up the program.

One of the best ways to get feedback is to ask for it. Surveys and focus groups can help gauge what the mentees think about your program.


Group mentoring is a great way to boost employee engagement. It has been shown to increase job satisfaction, reduce stress and increase communication skills. In addition, group mentoring can help leaders connect with high-potential employees.

A successful group mentoring program starts with an efficient structure. This includes defining goals and a measurement for success. You’ll need to consider how many participants your group will have and how you’ll structure your meetings.

The best programs begin with a defined goal. You should also look at what type of assessments you’ll need to collect and how you’ll use them to measure success.

It would help if you also thought about how you’ll promote your program. You can use technology to record the sessions and share them with participants who can’t attend. Technology also helps you analyze the results.

Finally, it would help if you took the time to learn what works for your organization. This includes determining how you’ll structure the sessions, what you’ll do during the sessions, and how you’ll measure the progress of your mentees.


Virtual mentoring programs are a great way to connect employees and provide them with a nurturing environment. It can also help them develop a strong relationship with their mentor, boost their performance, and engage them more in the company.

As with any mentoring, knowing what to expect in a virtual mentoring session is essential. There are several ways to ensure that the experience goes smoothly.

The first thing to remember is, to be honest. Be direct about your intentions and what you hope to get out of the program. Make sure that you set clear goals, and be prepared to discuss any challenges that may arise.

Authenticity is the key to building a good rapport with a mentee. Be genuine and share your personal experiences.

In addition, plan for any technical issues. No one wants to have their computer crash during a crucial meeting. You can also consider setting up a backup plan, such as phone calls or a mobile connection. This will ensure that the conversation isn’t disrupted.